Operator of the website
Protect Bau & Management GmbH
Otto-Franke-Str. 97
12489 Berlin
Chief Executive Officer: Michael Marx
HRB 168631 B
Tax NR.: 37 / 480 / 51338
Owner and responsible for content according to § 10 paragraph 3 MDSTV and § 55 paragraph 2RSTV:
– Michael Marx
Unless otherwise stated, all texts, photos, design elements and source codes on the website are the protected property of Protec Bau & Management GmbH.
Any reproduction and use, even in part or in modified form, or other use outside of copyright law is only permitted with the consent of the authors.
Despite careful control when creating the website, we cannot guarantee that the content is correct, complete and up-to-date.
According to § 7 Abs.1 TMG we as a service provider are responsible for the content of this website, according to the general laws, but not for third-party, transmitted content and its possible illegality – as regulated in §8-10 TMG.
Liability for links
All externally linked websites on this website were checked for legal and moral violations at the time the link was created.
However, we are in no way responsible for external content and unfortunately cannot monitor it constantly. If there is any suspicion of illegal or immoral references on the pages or in the network environment of our link partners, we will remove the link immediately. The same applies to unfair or dubious conduct on the websites linked by us. We also ask that you notify us if such activities become known.